- September 5, 2021
- Posted by: NorgayHR
- Category: Uncategorized
One in four employees say they’ve struggled with anxiety and depression during Covid restrictions, research published by Human Resources Director reveals.
Just under half of those surveyed also reported more family stress over the last year, with 68% saying they’ve kept worries to themselves.
Maintaining mental health during rolling lockdowns is tough for you and your workers. Here are four takeouts from inspirational leadership expert Simon Sinek.
1. Recognise trauma
“We all suffered trauma during COVID. Some of us dealt with it earlier, some of us dealt with it later, some of us are still dealing with it, but nobody escapes it.”
According to Simon, you can only compartmentalise your trauma for a short time. Whether fighting an enemy in the field, or ploughing through a pandemic, stress catches up with you eventually.
Takeout: Find time to work out what you feel and fear. Learn to recognise and name your emotions. Identification is the first step to healing.
2. Make real connections
“We kidded ourselves to think that we had connections just because we were connected.”
As Simon points out, Covid has exposed the limitations of our ‘always-on’ lifestyle. It has made us pick up the phone – bypassing text and social media messages – and actually talk to each other.
Takeout: Keep your networks intact and keep talking. Stay in direct contact with friends, encourage them to share difficulties, and know who you can go to for confidential, supportive listening and advice.
3. Know your friends
“You can’t judge the quality of a crew by how a ship performs in calm waters. You judge the quality of a crew by how a ship performs in rough waters.”
Covid has been a great friendship leveller. People report some ‘rusted on’ friends falling away, while other, sometimes more unlikely, acquaintances step up.
Takeout: Spend time to build strong friendships and support groups when you feel well and confident. That way, you know who to call when things go pear shaped.
4. Take the 12th step
“Alcoholics Anonymous knows that if you master the first 11 steps, but not the 12th, you are likely to succumb to the disease. But if you master the 12 steps, you’re more likely to overcome the disease. That 12th step is to help another alcoholic. It’s service.”
It might sound corny, but it’s true. We can genuinely find ourselves in the service of others. As Simon reports, the best thing to do when we need help is to offer support to someone struggling with the same thing. It has enormous healing power.
Takeout: Be there for others. Make statements (‘I’ve noticed something different about you’) rather than asking questions (‘How are you?’ is easy to avoid) when opening conversations.
We can all be leaders – just try! In Simon’s words: “Leadership is the responsibility to see those around us rise. It’s the responsibility to take care of those around us.”
If you are keen to optimise mental wellbeing in your workplace, ask us how we can help.